Petitions to Congress

Empowering Change through People-Powered Petitions

Welcome to Petitions to Congress, the vibrant community that unites millions of individuals and organizations to shape a society where everyone can thrive. Our platform equips you with powerful and free tools to initiate petitions, rally supporters, engage decision-makers, and achieve grassroots victories.

Move the Needle

Engage Advocates, Educate Lawmakers, Monitor Outcomes

At Petitions to Congress, we are proud to offer the most trusted and secure advocacy tool available, empowering you to influence policies that truly matter. Join over 2,400 organizations who rely on our user-friendly advocacy solutions to directly connect with lawmakers and advocates across multiple channels.

When visitors submit their petitions, we ensure that a copy of their impactful message reaches the intended recipients, whether it’s their mayor or representative. The petition message is authenticated with the submitter’s contact information. Furthermore, after signing the petition, visitors have the option to share the petition page with their Facebook or Twitter followers. Additionally, signers can choose to be added to various email platforms, such as Mailchimp, further amplifying their voices.

Impact Policy and Showcase Results with Our Leading Advocacy Management Platform


Rest assured

Your message will reach the right lawmakers through our robust back-end delivery system, comprehensive address matching, and stringent address verification protocols.


Target officials

You can target officials effectively by chamber, committee, district, county, municipality, or school board. Tailor your petitions precisely to drive impactful change.


Secure Advocacy Tool

Our commitment to your security and trust is unwavering. Petitions to Congress stands as the epitome of reliable advocacy tools available in the market.

Create Your Grassroots Hub.

Establish your central hub for grassroots activism on our platform, enabling seamless collaboration and mobilization for meaningful causes.

Build Out Your Grasstops

Expand your reach by engaging key influencers and thought leaders who can help amplify your message and generate support.

Segment to Drive Results

Employ targeted segmentation strategies to maximize the impact of your petitions, ensuring your voice is heard by the right people at the right time.


ready to reach new heights? Let's get there, together.

Educate, Engage, Educate.

Promote informed discussions by educating your supporters on critical issues, empowering them to become advocates for change alongside you.

Manage Fly-in/Hill Day Events.

Effortlessly organize and coordinate impactful fly-in or Hill Day events, where passionate advocates can meet face-to-face with lawmakers and drive progress.

Track Progress

Monitor the progress of your campaigns and demonstrate your return on investment through our comprehensive tracking and reporting tools.

Multiple Petitions on One Page

Effortlessly manage multiple petitions on a single page, streamlining your advocacy efforts and maximizing efficiency.

Set Signature Goals and Reach New Heights.

Inspire your supporters by setting signature goals, creating momentum and fostering a sense of achievement as you surpass them.

Privacy and Flexibility at Your Fingertips.

Protect the privacy of your supporters by displaying only the first character of their surname or last name. Retain sender addresses for effective follow-up, and allow signers to choose to remain publicly anonymous.

Fully Mobile Responsive for On-the-Go Advocacy.

Stay connected and engaged wherever you are with our fully mobile-responsive platform, ensuring you can mobilize supporters and take action at any time.

Customize Your Message for Maximum Impact

Edit the message sent with the petition and tailor it to resonate with your target audience, ensuring your voice carries the weight it deserves.

Petitions to Congress empowers you to shape a better future through people-powered petitions. Join our community today and be part of the movement driving real change.